Books & writing
I've been lucky enough to work on a variety of written projects and books, exploring the themes such as the natural world, childhood, growth, the arts, and trauma.

Writing for Pen & Sword
Writing & illustrating a non-fiction, nature book about hares for White Owl Imprint.
Delivery: 2024/25

I, me, moor (2025)
The moors are a magical, mythical place - I, me, moor is a new take at folklore.
Mimi’s family has always lived in the North Yorkshire Moors National Parks; her mother rocks her whilst been serenaded by skylarks, and Mimi grows up playing surrounded by peat and gorse in the garden. For Mimi, the sounds which bring her moor to life are coloured - purple swirls, golden loops - her life is intimately connected to that of the moor.
So when Mimi moves away, what will happen to the moor in her wake?
Produced in partnership with Campaign for National Parks, with a foreword by Tiffany Francis-Baker. It is accompanied by a musical score by Sam Lightfoot-Loftus.
Delivery: May 2025

Wild things and how to draw them (2025)
Ever wanted to draw a seven-spot ladybird, pink-headed warbler, or a golden lion tamarin?
Venture through this collection of draw-along worksheets to learn how to draw some wild things!
Created for MCM London Comic-con May 2025.

A Girl & Birds (2024)
Birds are many people’s first point of contact with the natural world. These feathered pom-poms, colourful splashes darting between branches or buildings brighten people’s days, and offer a joyful way of engaging with wildlife.
A former licensed trainee bird ringer, ornithology was both formative during my teenage years, and highly destructive in my early adulthood.
A Girl & Birds explores this from the perspective of a young woman trying to reclaim her identity and love for ornithology.
For more information, please visit A Girl & Birds.
Produced in partnership with The Eric Hoskings Trust, with a foreword by Juliet Vickery.
Limited print run (100) of books available on request.

Sheni (2024)
Sheni is the first in a series of children's picture books being produced for Invicta Wildlife Fund.
It tells the story of Sheni, a young painted dog who is part of a collared pack - introducing conservation to young children through delightful collaged illustrations.
Delivery: 2024

Multi-coloured Ghost Towns (2023)
Multi-coloured Ghost Towns tells the story of our relationship with nature, interweaving threads of love, grief, loss, and trauma. This poetry collection explores what it is to be human, and how we can find solace in nature.
Produced in partnership with The Cameron Bespolka Trust, with a foreword by Tiffany Francis-Baker, and reviews by Stephen Moss & Dr Paul Hullah.
This is a limited edition print run of 100 signed copies.
This collection is now sold out.

Into the Red, British Trust for Ornithology (2022)
Into the Red is the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)’s second anthology highlighting the plight of 70 British birds which are now on the Red List. It brings together 70 artists and 70 writers in a creative endeavour to protect our wildlife.
I am so excited to have my poem Dotterel included in the collection! You can order the collection here, or listen to my reading of the poem here.

Every Dune is a Mountain (2022)
Sand dunes are some of our most important ecosystems, home to over 70 nationally rare species including the northern dune tiger beetle, and marram grass.
But these magnificent sand mountains are increasingly under threat, and we are at risk of losing our dunes, and the species which call them home, forever.
Every Dune is a Mountain is a mini-collection of poems inspired by the Lincolnshire sand dunes, and written in partnership with the Dynamic Dunescapes project, and the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust. It is accompanied by music by Will Pearce.
This collection is now sold out.

Connections with Nature: 50 moments of meeting the wild (2021)
Connections with Nature is an anthology compiled by Kate Stephenson & The Wildlife Blogger Crowd, with the aim of encouraging more people to reconnect with the natural world. It features 50 creatives, including Tiffany Francis-Baker, Bella Lack, and Joe Harkness.
I am delighted to have my short ecological fairytale ‘Moorland Fairground‘ and accompanying illustration published as part of the anthology. You can order a copy through Kate Stephenson’s website.

Rain before Rainbows (2020)
Rain before Rainbows is a collection of illustrated poems written over 10 years, from childhood to early adulthood.
These poems are about wildlife and the natural world, its beauty and its fragility – and why it’s essential we protect it.
Rain before Rainbows includes:
“Leopard” – winner of WWF’s “My True Nature” under 18s poetry competition, 2011
“When the Whale Sang” (illustration) – winner of DSWF’s “Human Impact” category and the inaugural Ingrid Beazley Award, 2021
“The Whale’s Song” – as seen in Creature Conserve’s Artist Talks, 2021
“Paddling” – highly commended in Ripon Grammar School Hullah Poetry Competition, 2020
50% of the profits from the poetry book will go directly to the wildlife hospital Tiggywinkles, to support their valuable conservation work.
You can order your copy of Rain before Rainbows through my online shop.